This mod includes basic kit system if needed. Configuring it is pretty simple, but I want to say that adding new kits using commands is prefered way because it automatically parses all JSON from item's lore and name. But you can also use simple formatting instead of JSON text.
Once kit is added players will need a server-toolbox.commands.kits.kit.<name> permission to get it, also you can use server-toolbox.commands.kits.bypass.<name> to bypass timeout.
kits { <kit_name> {items=[ {// how much items will be given to the playercount=1// starting item durabilitydurability=0enchantments {}// item ID identifier="minecraft:diamond_sword"// lines of raw JSON or simple text with formatting lore=[]// same as lore, but only one line name="{\"italic\":false,\"extra\":[{\"color\":\"yellow\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"Killer of %player:name%\"}],\"text\":\"\"}],\"text\":\"\"}"// item will be placed in slot with specific number if it isn't empty slot=0 }, {count=1durability=0// lines with enchantement ID and it's levelenchantments {"minecraft:protection"=1 } identifier="minecraft:netherite_leggings" lore=["{\"italic\":false,\"extra\":[{\"color\":\"red\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"This is the final warning!\"}],\"text\":\"\"}],\"text\":\"\"}" ] name="{\"italic\":false,\"extra\":[{\"color\":\"yellow\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"Gamechangers\"}],\"text\":\"\"}],\"text\":\"\"}" slot=1 }, {count=64durability=0enchantments {} identifier="minecraft:apple" lore=[] slot=2 } ]// how long player needs to wait before using command again timeout=15 }}// list with all players with timeouts and their expiration datetimeouts {"27rogi" {gameover {datetime="2023-07-18T13:16:36.231257763" } }}